Sony PS2

Sony has once and for all made my life easy and cheerful, but has not given me sensation of pleasure. To use all this gadgets does not mean to take pleasure, and means — to block misfortune. The technician and electronics have not opened for us any new sensation. All gadgets maintain our sense organs. The TV has appropriated our eyes, and radio a visor to itself our ears. It is possible to tell, that if from me will take away the TV and the musical center eyes and ears to me will be, in general, and are not necessary.

TVs, players of disks, computer games are the legalised drugs — cocaine for all. But if cocaine changes only our estimation of a reality the TV changes also our language. We speak now as announcers in news or as heroes of cartoon films. Something is no point to try to tell in other language — you will not understand. I know, what I have told, it already was in "Simpsons". They have reached even Thomas Pinchons.
